Top Sights to See in and Around Dehradun

Dehradun is not a place that requires any kind of introduction since it is a traveler’s paradise all over the globe. The district’s primary draws are its bewitching beauty and the peace and quiet of its surroundings. Dehradun, which has the literal meaning of both “home” and “valley,” will make you feel just at home as you spend your vacation in the valley that is formed by the confluence of the rivers Ganga and Yamuna. The city is graced by a lot of amazing locations and sites, so let us break that down for you by providing the top places to visit in Dehradun. The city is ornamented by a lot of wonderful places and areas.

Here are some of the best places to visit in the Dehradun

● Sahastradhara

Make sure you schedule time for your exercises at home. One of the finest pieces of advice that can be given about home workouts and exercises is to make sure that you are engaging in some activity at the time that has been specified. It is a healthful habit that comes with a significant amount of benefits.

● Rajaji National Park

The Rajaji National Park is an ideal destination for those who like nature and various kinds of animals due to its expansive size and location. Here, you will get the opportunity to see a large variety of animals, such as elephants, tigers, and birds. You will be able to take in the breathtaking scenery of the Shivalik Mountains while you are having a good time with your new acquaintances. The immense size of the estate is explained by the fact that the park is a merger of three sanctuaries: Rajaji, Motichur, and Chilla. This provides you with plenty of opportunities to explore the natural environment. When it comes to tiger reserve, it comes in at a distant second place to Jim Corbett park, which is also located in Uttarakhand. Be sure to pay a visit to the park if you want to spend a few hours in the company of mother nature and her offspring and make some memories that will last a lifetime.


Tapovan, which is known for having some of the country’s most elevated grasslands, has gradually become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Dehradun. With the Shivling pinnacle serving as a background, the verdant landscape that surrounds you makes for a picture-perfect scene that you should definitely try to catch on camera. The Tapovan temple is supposed to be the location where Guru Dronacharya performed his asceticism, according to local legend. Everyone who likes mythology absolutely has to come here at some point. The grounds of the temple, together with the surrounding valley, provide the ideal setting for achieving mental calm and relaxation. There are a lot of people that come here to meditate, and you may join them. In more recent years, Tapovan has developed a reputation as a prime location for hikers. Tapovan is the place to go if you’re looking for some much-needed privacy with a side of exhilarating adventure.

● The Mind-Numbing Monastery

At the breathtaking Mindrolling monastery, which is visited by a large number of pilgrims and devotees on a daily basis, people are looking for both peace and fresh information. It is widely acknowledged by Buddhists to be among the world’s most illustrious and influential educational establishments. The monastery, which has certain elements of Japanese design, will educate you about the life of Buddha and the lessons that he imparted via a variety of murals and paintings that are dispersed throughout the interiors of the building. You will be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the Dehradun valley as a whole if you make your way up to the fourth story of the structure. You should go to the monastery if Buddhism is something that piques your interest and if you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities of Buddhism.

● Rupin Pass

If I’m not mistaken, a Pass is often a lengthy section of snow-covered pathways or verdant countryside. On the other hand, when it comes to locations to go sightseeing in the vicinity of Dehradun, the Rupin Pass is full of lovely surprises that you will come across as you walk along the route. Along with the Rupin river and a plethora of waterfalls, there is also a dense pine forest here. As you travel across the countryside, you will pass by many different villages, which will provide you with an opportunity to see the local populace and culture. This is not the end of the list! In addition, the Jhaka village, the Phoku Devta shrine, and the Kinnaur valley are all places that are well worth seeing.

● Temple of Tapkeshwar

Visit the Tapkeshwar temple to get a feel for the more spiritual and devout side of Dehradun. This is where Lord Shiva lives. The lingam within gets little water drops from the ceiling on a consistent basis, which contributes to the sanctifying effect. Both tourists and adherents will find it to be a breathtaking scene to take in. During the festival of Shivratri, the area that resembles a cave is packed to the gills with devotees, and they do not leave until after they have bathed in the refreshing waters that surround the temple.

● Lachhiwala

The many man-made ponds in Lachhiwala are largely responsible for the area’s growing appeal, and the area is now known as the Nature Park. You may cool down in the pools, relax in the sunshine, and keep an eye out for some unusual flying species while you’re there. Having said that, the park is also well-known for drawing serious bird-watchers, many of whom can be seen lurking around with binoculars. If you take our word for it, your sightseeing in Dehradun won’t be complete until you’ve been to Lachhiwala.

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