Infosys Office in Kishangarh, Chandigarh Address & Phone Number

Infosys Office in Kishangarh, Chandigarh. Below is complete details address, phone number & Timings. As a global tech firm that is known to define designs and ensure the delivery of business solutions that are Information technology-enabled, Infosys, to date, has offered the best-in-class services at large. So, be a part of the change and see the difference you receive.

Infosys Office Kishangarh, Chandigarh:

Office Name: Infosys Limited

Address:  Plot No. 1 Rajiv Gandhi Technology Park Kishangarh Chandigarh 160 101

Phone Number: +91 172 503 8000

Fax Number: +91 172 504 6860

Timings: Monday to Friday 10:00AM To 06:00PM


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